Grazing to Grow More Grass

A practical guide to using livestock to improve land condition and why it works.

This project is supported by the Dalrymple Landcare Committee Inc, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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Charters Towers grazier Fran Lyons has authored a booklet highlighting a number of important principles to consider when managing grazing animals on native pastures in northern Australia. She believes that in order to optimise pasture health and animal performance, a shift in thinking needs to happen.

A realisation is gradually filtering throughout those who manage grazing animals in the Australian landscape.  A method for improving profits through enhancing pasture health and productivity as well as increasing kilograms of beef produced.  This method also satisfies those living in urban areas that the stewardship of the Australian landscape, managed by those who produce the food they eat, is in good hands.  There is no downside.  Improved grazing management increases profitability, landscape health, consumer satisfaction and animal performance. 

 There is no rigid formula to achieve these results.  All that is required is an understanding of how plants and grazing animals interact and firm belief that whatever steps you are able to take in your individual business to move towards a system that nurtures these concepts, no matter how small, will move you towards a more profitable and satisfying future.

To download her booklet in full, please click on the link below.


Compilation of case studies by the following graziers is valued and appreciated:

·        Jamie Gordon and Garlone Moulin, Mt Pleasant, Bowen

·        David and Donna Rankine, Bunuro, Torrens Creek

·        Harvey and Helen Carter, Felspar Station, Charters Towers

·        Damien and Fran Lyons, Basalt River, Charters Towers

Their management acumen and willingness to share their journeys and experiences makes for rich reading in this publication.

Review of early drafts of the publication by the following graziers:

·        Raymond Stacey, Southbrook, Darling Downs

·        Jane Weir, Amelia Downs, Charters Towers

·        Kirsty Lyons, Niall, Charters Towers

·        Jamie Gordon, Mt Pleasant, Bowen

Two past Landcare Coordinators with the Dalrymple Landcare Committee Inc. were involved in the project. Dr Helene Aubault wrote and submitted the original application, and Heather Jonsson implemented and managed the project.